2018年3月31日 星期六

Ø電腦媒介溝通Computer-Mediated Communication, CMC
Ø線上產品與價格策略Strategy of Online Product and Online Pricing
Ø社群行銷(Social Marketing)
Ø網路廣告(Online Advertising
Ø網路拍賣(Online Auction


中國文化大學行銷所 助理教授/副所長
美國芝加哥帝博大學 (DePaul University) /訪問學者


謝艾芸 (計畫主持人),「從喚起角度探討購物網站之環境色彩對網站記憶與產品評估之影響」,MOST  107-2410-H-034 -005,2018/08/01 ~ 2019/07/31。


1. Chih-Wei Liu, Shao-Kang Lo, Ai-Yun Hsieh, Yujong Hwang, (2018). Effect of banner Ad shape and the schema creating process on consumer internet browsing behavior. Computers in Human Behavior. 86, 9-17. (SSCI, IF = 3.536 in 2017)

2. Yu-Ping Chiu, Shao-Kang Lo, Ai-Yun Hsieh, (2017). How colour similarity can make banner advertising effective: insights from Gestalt theory. Behaviour & Information Technology. 36 (6), 606-619. (SSCI, IF= 1.380 in 2017)

3. Chih-Wei Liu, Ai-Yun Hsieh, Shao-Kang Lo, Yujong Hwang, (2017). What Consumers See when Time Is Running Out: Consumers’ Browsing Behaviors on Online Shopping Websites when under Time Pressure. Computers in Human Behavior. 70, 391-397 (SSCI, IF = 3.536 in 2017)

4. Chia-Lin Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Lin, Mu-Chen Chen, Kuo-Chien Chang, Ai-Yun Hsieh, (2017). Investigating the Determinants of E-book Adoption. Program. 51 (1), 2-16.

5. Ai-Yun Hsieh, Shao-Kang Lo, Yu-Ping Chiu, (2016). Where to Place Online Ads? The Nature Congruence between Online Advertising and Web site Context. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 17 (1), 36-46 (SSCI, IF=1.667 in 2017)

6. Pin Luarn and Ai-Yun Hsieh, (2014). Speech or silence: The effect of user anonymity and member familiarity on the willingness to express opinions in virtual communities. Online Information Review, 38, 7, 881-895 (SSCI, IF=1.675 in 2017) (2015 Highly Commended Paper Award)

7. Hsu, Chia Lin, Chen, Mu Chen, Lin, Yu Hsiang, Chang, Kuo Chien and Hsieh, Ai Yun (2014). Adopting the Extension of UTAUT Model to Investigate the Determinants of e-book Adoption, pp. 669-673. 2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering will be held on April 26-28, 2014, in Sapporo City, Japan. (ISBN: 978-1-4799-3196-5; ISEEE 2014 have been indexed in the IEEE Xplore and EI database) (EI)

8. Shao-Kang Lo, Ai-Yun Hsieh, Yu-Ping Chiu (2014). Why Expect Lower Prices Online? Empirical Examination in Online and Store-based Retailers.  International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 5, 1, 27-37. (EI)

9. Shao-Kang Lo, Ai-Yun Hsieh, Yu-Ping Chiu, (2014). Keyword Advertising Is Not What You Think: Clicking and eye movement behaviors on keyword advertising. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 13, 4, 221-228. (SSCI, IF=2.582 in 2017)

10. Shao-Kang Lo, Yu-Ping Chiu, Ai-Yun Hsieh (2013). Photograph and model use within an online auction page for influencing buyer’s bidding behavior. Online Information Review. 37, 3, 354-368. (SSCI, IF=1.675 in 2017)

11. Shao-Kang Lo, Ai-Yun Hsieh, Yu-Ping Chiu, (2013). Contradictory Deceptive Behavior in Online Dating. Computers in Human Behavior. 29, 4, 1755-1762. (SSCI, IF = 3.536 in 2017) (Best Paper Award)


1. Shao-Kang Lo, Chih-Wei Liu, Ai-Yun Hsieh, Chia-Hui Hsia (2018). Effect of Congruence between Brand Origin Country and Product Nationality on Perceived Product Quality. International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM). Hanoi, Vietnam.

2. 謝艾芸,曾澤2018。商品類型與商品陳述對購買行為之影響-從調節焦點理論的角度來探討。2018行銷研究學術研討會。中國文化大學。台北。

3. 謝艾芸,黃威堯2018。購物網站之背景顏色對消費者選擇偏誤之影響。2018行銷研究學術研討會。中國文化大學。台北。

4. 謝艾芸,王昱舜2018。網站內容屬性與網路廣告屬性的調節配適對廣告效果之影響-以線上汽車媒體為例。2018行銷研究學術研討會。中國文化大學。台北。

5. 駱少康,謝艾芸,邱于平 (2016)。模特兒外貌與穿著對消費者視覺瀏覽行為之影響。2016行銷研究學術研討會。中國文化大學。台北。

6. Shao-Kang Lo, Yu-Ping Chiu, Ai -Yun Hsieh and Ting Li (2014). How socially anxious people select media within online acquaintance environment––visual anonymity is the key. International Conference on Cyber Behavior (CB2014). Taipei, Taiwan.

7. Chia-Lin Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen, Yu-Hsiang Lin, Kuo-Chien Chang, Ai-Yun Hsieh (2014, April). Adopting the Extension of UTAUT Model to Investigate the Determinants of e-book Adoption. 2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ISEEE2014). Hokkaido, Japan.

8. 駱少康,紀婉晴,謝艾芸,邱于平(2014)。台灣地區線上拍賣產品結構探討-20062012年間的資料比較。第九屆數位教學暨資訊實務研討會。南台科技大學。台南。

9. 欒斌,謝艾芸(2014)。發言還是沉默?虛擬社群之匿名性與成員間之熟悉性對發言意願之影響。第八屆國際貿易與企業經營學術研討會。中國文化大學。台北。

10. Shao-Kang Lo, Yu-Ping Chiu, Ai-Yun Hsieh (2013, September). The influence of color similarity between banner advertising and surrounding editorial content on browsing behavior and attitudes toward the advertising. International Conference on Marketing Studies (ICMS2013). Hong Kong, China.

11. Shao-Kang Lo, Yu-Ping Chiu, Ai -Yun Hsieh and Ting Li (2013). The effect of pop-up ads appearance timing on browsing behavior. International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research (ATISR2013). Taipei, Taiwan.

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【跨專長】學碩一貫! . 仙女小編姊姊來專文解說~ . 大家都知道工作不好找,薪水也不好,但是,有的人就是找的到工作,有的人薪水就是好,而且,老闆捨不得他離開,為什麼? . 讀書階段其實就是在累積未來就業市場的競爭力,要建立競爭力,那就要有「策略」。 . 以前的社會,...


